Monday, November 12, 2007

Your Words

Your letters undulate from big to small, small to big, like waves of light like live ionized hyperactive subatomic particles struck by energy unbounded by any wall that every creature of the day knows, dazzling, yes, and slippery and elusive and free like children out on a springsummerautumnwhitesnowy day, free, free, free like fire, like air, like rain, like stars, like wildflowers, like dreams.

The most beautiful things in life are those that are beyond our grasp.


r_i_d said...

you are most beautiful, and
your poem too.

when did you write it? :-)


yes, let's make a lot of noise!

macky said...

Oh, hello.
Glad to see you here.
Thank you.
I wrote this on October 30th, 2007
as a comment for Djeseru's blog

macky said...


make lots of it!

boom, boOM, BOOM!

Anonymous said...

Such a bright writing like those blossoms in the picture.